Axon Enterprises, the maker of Taser electronic stun guns and other less-than-lethal weapons, has introduced a significant upgrade to the current generation of law enforcement Taser.

Axon, with the newly introduced Taser 10 model has refined and greatly improved the less-than-lethal weapon that thousands of Officers worldwide currently carry. The first and most significant improvement is the ability to fire as many as 10 targeted probes with improved probe accuracy and penetration.

Current models allow only one or two firing attempts, while the Taser 10 gives an Officer as many as 10 opportunities to embed a probe successfully on the target without needing to reload. The Taser 10 can energize up to 4 probes to maximize the weapon’s effectiveness. A huge leap forward in the chances of a deployment being effective. A much higher percentage of successful Taser activations is expected to lead to a significant reduction of the need to escalate to lethal force, a not uncommon occurrence.

The Taser 10 also increases the effective range of the weapon to 45 feet, current models fire the probes 15 to 35 feet. The additional deployment distance allows for extra time and space to attempt to de-escalate and resolve the situation.

Axon Enterprises CEO and Founder Rick Smith says “Axon has a moonshot goal to reduce gun related deaths between the Police and the public by 50% in the next ten years”. This next-generation less-than-lethal weapon will undoubtedly save many lives by decreasing failed deployments and eliminating the need to escalate to lethal force.

The next evolution in electronic weapons will be eliminating the wires between the weapon and the probe. That technology is being developed and refined right now.

While the Taser 10 is currently only available to law enforcement, Axon and others make civilian less than lethal weapons that have shown great effectiveness. Williams P.D. is expected to upgrade to the new model soon.

Axon’s new Bolt 2 Current is legal in 48 states, including California, and is available on Amazon

Another popular less-than-lethal option is the Byrna Launcher, a kinetic weapon that launches inert projectiles and pepper and tear gas rounds. It is also available on Amazon.

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Photos courtesy Axon Enterprises.

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