With U.S. gasoline and diesel prices hitting new record highs for the 10th day in a row, the last sub $5.00 gas in Williams is about to be a memory.

While the tourist gouging gas stations in Williams have been near $6 for some time, the gas stations that most residents use are pennies away from the $5 mark, and are likely to surpass that price tomorrow as new records are expected to continue to be set daily.

Diesel has been well over $6 for weeks and continues to climb. Many oil industry experts expect prices to keep climbing, with some predicting an $8 a gallon average gas by August.

With some surveys showing 50% of American households reporting they have $0 disposable income after paying rent, energy, and bills, tourism is very likely to suffer this summer.

Williams has benefited so far this season from an influx of foreign tourists eager to travel after draconian Covid related lock downs and restrictions on travel. With the U.S. Dollar relatively high compared to virtually all European currencies, and severe inflation in Europe and elsewhere, it is unlikely foreign tourists will make up for the pull back in travel by Americans this summer.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham recently commented on the situation saying, “Americans are waking up to the fact that this is being done to them on purpose and there is going to be hell to pay.”

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